- Penangkapan Lima Tersangka Kasus Ganja oleh Satresnarkoba di Lumajang
- Proyek Pembangunan Pasar Agropolitan di Gerbang Wisata Senduro Lumajang Hampir Rampung
- Pelantikan Resmi Indah-Yudha, Janji Mewujudkan Pemerintahan Lumajang Tanpa Korupsi
- Pengaktifan Kembali KUD di Lumajang untuk Memperkuat Perekonomian Desa
- Persiapan Mencetak Generasi Emas oleh Lembaga Parenting di Lumajang
- Aliansi BEM se-Lumajang Protes Program Efisiensi yang Dinilai Tidak Memenuhi Kebutuhan Dasar di DPRD
- Begal Mengintai di Klakah Lumajang Saat Hujan Turun
- Cek Kesehatan Gratis Dimulai di Lumajang, Simak Keuntungannya
- Dukungan Terhadap Penerapan P3K Paruh Waktu di Pemkab Lumajang dari Komisi A DPRD
- Wisuda Akbar Seribu Santri Madin Digelar di Pendopo Arya Wiraraja oleh FKDT Lumajang
qs. 20 : 116-120
Verse 116-120
116 If Allah were to punish people for their wrongdoings, He would not have left a single living creature on the earth. But He gives them respite to an appointed time – when their time will come, then Allah is Seer of His servants.
117 And to Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and to Him is the return.
118 You shall have all your actions judged with fairness; and no soul shall be wronged.
119 Indeed, Allah is Swift at reckoning.
120 And all that you have of praise is for Allah. He knows whatever is in the heavens and the earth. And Allah is Knowing of all things.
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