membuat percakapan bahasa Inggris {dokter dengan perawat bekerja di rumahsakit selama 10 tahun}

By Adminpmd 25 Okt 2024, 10:42:11 WIB | 👁 1895 Pemerintah Daerah
Dokter: Good morning, Nurse. How are you today?

Perawat: Good morning, Doctor. I'm doing well, thank you. How about you?

Dokter: I'm good too, thank you for asking. It's hard to believe that we've been working together at this hospital for 10 years now.

Perawat: Yes, time really flies, doesn't it? It feels like it was just yesterday when we started here.

Dokter: It certainly does. Throughout these 10 years, we have gone through many challenging cases and stressful situations, but we've always managed to overcome them together.

Perawat: Absolutely, Doctor. Our teamwork has been crucial in providing the best care for our patients. I appreciate your expertise and guidance in those difficult times.

Dokter: Thank you, Nurse. Your dedication and commitment to our patients have always been commendable. Your compassionate nature has brought comfort to many patients and their families.

Perawat: Your kind words mean a lot to me, Doctor. It's truly an honor to work alongside someone as skilled and experienced as you. Your knowledge and professionalism have made a significant impact on the quality of care we provide.

Dokter: Likewise, Nurse. Your attention to detail and ability to think on your feet have been vital in ensuring that our patients receive the best treatment possible. I value our partnership and the positive impact we have on each other and our patients.

Perawat: Thank you, Doctor. It's been an incredible journey so far, and I look forward to many more years of working together to make a difference in people's lives.

Dokter: Absolutely, Nurse. Let's continue to strive for excellence and make a positive impact in the medical field. Here's to another decade of saving lives and providing compassionate care.

Perawat: Cheers to that, Doctor. Thank you for your support and guidance throughout these years. Let's continue to work together and make a lasting difference in the lives of our patients.

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